Monday 21 November 2016

Tanjoubi Omedetou Yana!



Last few days, Yana had a birthday party and she invited her friends to the party. Nurliyana, also known as Yana is one of the ‘earliest’ friends of mine in my university life. She’s a year older than me but we have one thing in common. Both of us love Anime. I’m not going to say that I’m an otaku. I just watch many anime after STPM. She’s also taking Management course and we have few classes of the same lecturers. I was looking forward to go to her party when she told me about it. The venue of the party was at Bumbledees Café. It was my first time going there. I’ve never been to that café before. I’m just going to post some photos here. I want to thank Yana for inviting us and most importantly, thanks for the lunch!

While waiting for the preparation, we decided to take a walk first

With Diba and Syara

Sport shoes, a bottle and a bag


Different types of food served

The birthday cake

Front view

Backdrop for taking pictures prepared by the workers

Happy birthday, girl

Dapat Tiket Percuma ke Talk Anwar Hadi



Seperti poster di atas, pihak USM akan menganjurkan satu ceramah atau talk dengan menjemput Anwar Hadi ke sini. Siapa yang tak kenal Anwar Hadi?? Okey, ramai sebenarnya yang masih belum kenal beliau. Dalam kalangan rakan saya sendiri pun ramai yang tidak mengenali Anwar Hadi. Beliau merupakan seorang YouTuber/vlogger yang terkenal di Malaysia. Siapa yang sering melayari laman web YouTube pasti tidak akan asing lagi dengan nama ikon ini. Anwar Hadi juga ialah suami kepada seorang YouTuber yang terkenal iaitu Takahara Suiko.

Beliau banyak menghasilkan video tentang isu-isu semasa di Malaysia dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Kalau sebut tentang YouTuber Malaysia yang lebih cenderung berbahasa Inggeris , kita tak akan asing lagi dengan nama Aiman Azlan dan Anwar Hadi. Mat Luthfi juga pandai berbahasa Inggeris cuma beliau lebih gemar menyampaikan mesej dalam loghat Utara. Anwar Hadi juga merupakan penulis buku Whatever You Say I Am. Saya tak sempat lagi membacanya tapi rasanya buku ini berkisarkan pengalaman peribadi beliau dan sebagainya.

Saya dah beritahu pada rakan saya dari kos TESOL yang saya nak beli tiket ke talk ini. Tak sangka pula boleh dapat tiket percuma. Saya antara individu yang terawal mendaftar di booth  pelajar TESOL. Untuk mendapatkan tiket percuma, kena jawab beberapa soalan yang diberi dengan tepat. Alhamdulillah, saya berjaya menjawab soalan dengan tepat (atas bantuan Syafikah) dan rezeki sebab pilih soalan senang. Syafikah dapat soalan susah yang saya sendiri pun tak boleh nak jawab. Jadi dia terpaksa membayar harga tiket. Jadi apa tunggu lagi? Orang luar pun boleh turut serta dengar talk ini. Jangan lepaskan peluang anda!

Sunday 13 November 2016

My Feelings



Sometimes you're in the bottom line of an organization, and you need to follow too many unreasonable instructions.

Sometimes you have too many tasks at the same time and do not even have time to chat with your friends. 

Sometimes you need to catch up from classes to meetings.

Sometimes you have discussions but not everyone will commit to it. 

Sometimes you thank people without even knowing why. 

Sometimes, they give you a crazy task to handle. 

Sometimes you sit alone and start to miss people. 

Sometimes you just feel exhausted.

Sometimes you just feel like shutting down yourself. 

Sometimes you're in a crazy mood and start to mess around with your friends.

Sometimes, you procrastinate even though you need to finish your proposals.

Most of the time, you keep complaining a lot.

But there's always something that motivates you to become stronger. To become better. To become what you are today. So do not ever give up in your life. Never lose sight of what you've decided.

Credits to: Bitmoji