Sunday 16 April 2017

50 Questions About Me



So yeah I decided to take this quiz for fun. I rarely answered this kind of quizzes before, though. Well, let's get started!

1. Favorite pet I ever had?
2. Favorite car I've owned?
3. Favorite meal out, ever?
     Chicken chop
4. Favorite food I've cooked?
     My own version fried rice
5. Favorite food from childhood?
     Chicken porridge
6. Favorite drink on a hot summer day (include event)?
     Chocolate milkshake
7. Favorite drink on a cold winter night (include event)?
     Hot chocolate
8. Favorite conversation I've ever had with a person?
     I enjoy every deep conversation I had with people
9. Favorite total meal that I cook (list all items)?
     This is not 100% my cooking but I enjoyed our family recipe Ayam Horlick the most. I don't even know the spelling though. And since it's a family recipe, I have the right to remain silent.Haha
10. Favorite movie of all time?
       Ayat Ayat Cinta
       Kimi No Nawa
11. Favorite book of all time?
12. Teacher who changed my life, and why?
        Cikgu Hasnah (KUSESS), cause she trusted me a lot and saw what I'm unable to see in myself. She exposed me to new experiences and made me a director for a theater, and that means a lot to   me.
13. Professional mentor who changed my life, and why?
       Hilal Asyraf. A famous author. He inspired me to become a writer.
14. Favorite item to go shopping for with a girlfriend?
       Books and gadgets.
15. Perfect day out: what, where, with whom?
       Weekends. A holiday trip with family. That would be very nice.
16. Favorite color?
        Currently red I guess.
17. Favorite artist?
        Jason Mraz & Coldplay
18. Favorite song?
        How Deep Is Your Love by Bee Gees
19. The best paid entertainment I've ever seen?
        I rarely paid for entertainment. If it's on the television that I would say Running Man? Though I'm not really a fan of the series, I do watch them.
20. Favorite hobby activity that makes me get lost for hours?
        Making videos & photoshop
21. Most rewarding time I've ever spent volunteering?
        Integrasi Borneo 5.0
22. The most exciting secret I've ever been told?
        If it's a secret then I shouldn't suppose to tell it.
23. My greatest skill (past or current)?
        I can understand texts or essays quickly if I focus on them
24. The best advice I've ever been given?
        In order to achieve something, sacrifices must be made. - My mum
25. The best advice I've ever given?
        I don't think I give best advice to people. Haha
26. The best birthday I ever had and why?
        I would be satisfied just by living on my birthdays every year. I'm telling you the truth,here.
27. The coolest natural wonder I've ever seen?
        The sunset, though it's actually hot.
28. The most fun road trip I've ever taken, where and with whom?
        Integrasi Borneo 5.0 at Sabah and Sarawak with fellow MPDs
29. The closest call I've ever had?
        My mum
30. My favorite flower, purchased?
        I don't have spesific flower in mind, but I love the colourful ones
31. My favorite flower or plant, personally grown?
       I used to have this mango seed I planted when I was a kid but it died after few weeks.
32. My best hair day ever?
33. The best gift I've ever gotten: what and from whom?
        Books from friends
        A ring from my mum
34. My most suspenseful moment?
       The day I attend the Muet examination
35. My most unexpected achievement?
       I have a lot of unexpected achievements in my whole life but I'll just list a few of them:
        - First place for pidato
        - Second place for pertandingan menembak
        - Second place for colouring contest
36. The most rewarding volunteer experience I've ever had?
        This question is almost the same as question 21
37. My favorite paid employment, ever?
       Working at a bookstore at my primary school
38. The best dessert I've ever eaten?
        Banana Split
39. The prettiest natural landscape I've ever seen?
        At Madinah
40. The most scared I've been by a bug or critter?
        When they fly near me
41. My favorite household chore?
        Painting walls
42. My favorite piece of jewelry I've ever bought for myself?
43. The best cup of coffee I've ever had?
        I don't drink coffee
44. The hardest question a child has ever asked me?
        "Teacher dah kahwin belum?"
45. The most important time I've had to "be there" for a friend?
        When they're struggling through a hardship
46. The most unusual pet I've ever had?
        Nothing unusual
47. The prettiest shiny object I've ever owned?
        My rings
48. The most treasured book in my library?
        Every book is my treasure and don't you dare throw them away without my permission. Haha
49. The most important tool in my craft or hobby kit?
        I love to draw sometimes so a pencil I guess
50. The coolest handmade gift I ever gave anyone?

That sums up 50 questions about me so far. Thanks for reading!

p/s: Just finished watching K-Drama Sensory Couple series. I wish I could have a great instinct like those inspectors.

Thursday 13 April 2017




Seperti yang tertera pada tajuk entry kali ni, saya ada berita baik untuk anda! Saya dah lama berhasrat untuk mengadakan giveaway ni tapi baru berkesempatan nak buat. Bersempena ulangtahun kelahiran saya yang bakal menjelang tak lama lagi, saya nak berikan sedikit penghargaan kepada pembaca blog saya yang bertuah.

Saya pernah mengadakan beberapa giveaway dan ‘Madinah and Vietnam Souvenirs Giveaway’ sebelum ini alhamdulillah mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan. Harapnya, giveaway kali ini juga mendapat penyertaan daripada ramai bloggers di luar sana.

Hadiah-hadiah yang ditawarkan:

1.       Beg + Key Chain – 10 Pemenang
2.       Fridge Magnet – 10 Pemenang
3.       Key Chain – 10 Pemenang

Insya Allah, tidak ada ruginya anda menyertai giveaway ini. Anda hanya perlu mengikuti syarat-syarat mudah di bawah.

1. Follow blog ini.
2. Subscribe YouTube channel : Nims Productions
3. Buat satu entry bertajuk “Bandung Souvenirs Giveaway by Nafas Baru”. Copy banner di atas dan link ke entry ini.
4. Tinggalkan link entry anda di bawah post ini. Kalau tak keberatan sila nyatakan anda follower ke berapa dan nama akaun yang digunakan untuk subscribe YouTube supaya senang untuk disemak. (bagi follower dan subscriber baru)

OPTIONAL: Follow Instagram - @nafasbaru_

Itu sahaja. Mudah kan syaratnya? Pemenang akan dipilih secara random. Giveaway ini akan tamat pada 18 Mei 2017 jam 11.59 malam. Saya akan usahakan pemenangnya secepat mungkin. Sebarang penambahan akan diberitahu, sekiranya ada.

“Semoga Allah SWT menerima amal-amal dari kami dan kamu.”

*Maaf kalau tak sempat blogwalking dalam kadar segera. Tapi saya akan usahakan bila berkelapangan.

Monday 10 April 2017

Laptop Buat Hal



Cuti pertengahan semester sudah pun berakhir. Saya tak dapat menikmati cuti secara total kerana terlibat dengan konvensyen. Tapi alhamdulillah saya bertuah sebab dapat menimba banyak pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru.

Sekarang, perlu berpijak semula di atas bumi realiti. Kelas pun akan bermula. Banyak assignment yang masih belum selesai. Dan laptop saya, sudah buat hal di saat-saat genting ini. Pada mulanya dulu Cuma ada simbol-simbol aneh yang muncul setiap kali saya menggunakan Words atau software lain. Tak apalah sebab tak mengganggu pun masa printing. Saya tak tahu nak kenal pasti punca masalah. Setiap kali nak menulis huruf yang ditekan tak akan muncul sama seperti yang ditekan, Yang akan keluar adalah huruf lain dan angka. Saya tak tahu macam mana nak selesaikan. Kalau hantar repair, kosnya mesti mahal. Kalau beli baru apatah lagi.

Saya rasa untuk beberapa minggu ni saya perlu belajar survive dengan laptop nyawa-nyawa ikan tu. Semua benda penting ada dalam tu. Dan banyak software yang memang perlu guna laptop tu juga sebab kalau pinjam laptop kawan pun mereka tak ada. Macam Corel Video Studio Pro dan Adobe Photoshop. Blog entry ini pun saya taip menerusi Android sahaja.

Timing yang dipilih untuk laptop saya buat hal adalah sangat tidak kena. Waktu beginilah ramai yang minta saya untuk siapkan itu dan ini. Saya minta maaf kalau agak lewat dalam menyelesaikan apa yang diminta. Kakak minta buat video dari hari tu pun masih belum siap. Hidup ni memang banyak cabaran yang tak dijangka.

But life must go on.

Sunday 9 April 2017

Konvensyen Kepimpinan Kelab PEMADAM IPT

Konvensyen Kepimpinan Kelab PEMADAM IPT kali ke-2 yang bertempat di Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia pada 5-8 April 2017 telah pun melabuhkan tirainya.

Alhamdulillah kerana banyak input yang telah saya peroleh sepanjang konvensyen ini berlangsung dan satu penghargaan apabila diberi peluang menjadi pengacara majlis di SK Pengkalan Tentera Darat untuk Program Mahasiswa@Sekolah.

Konvensyen ini telah dihadiri oleh 18 IPTA dan satu IPTS di seluruh Malaysia. Saya berpeluang bertukar pengalaman bersama mahasiswa-mahasiswi daripada universiti lain. Harap selepas ini dapat meneruskan jelajah di universiti lain pula. InsyaAllah.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Pakat Mai Aman Damai Fajar Harapan (PAMADFH)

 Pakat Mai Aman Damai Fajar Harapan (PAMADFH)
Tarikh : 24-26 Mac 2017

Lot 26 Pertubuhan PRUMERA

Lot 22 Jualan nasi ayam, kuih muih dan minuman

Permainan tradisional congkak

Buat apa atas pentas tu, Kak Zira?

Penonton yang hadir bagi memberikan sokongan

Pemenang gerai paling ceria: Lot 25 Dua Seni Enterprise

Permainan hoverboard pun ada

Feeling Loved and Blessed



I just finished watching K-Drama Good Manager (Chief Kim). I was addicted to the series because it was really good. It’s not your everyday romance drama and it has its own uniqueness. And of course, it really inspired me to become a good manager in future. I have always dream to become a chief, or a manager at least. I know I’m far enough from being able to be in such position, but it’s always nice to keep something in your mind, right?

After watching the final episode, here I am, back to reality. This month is also going to be a hectic month. There are 2 programs going to be held in Kuala Lumpur in this month. And some assignments that I need to submit. You can also never forget about the mid-term tests. At the same time, I will also busy preparing for a project in August, which I am really looking forward to. Yup, there’s a lot of tasks to be done but I’m still sitting in front of this laptop and posting a new entry. 

I also have some plans to make a giveaway in this month and please look forward to that. There were so many things and programs held in March but I don’t have the time to update all of them, and I’m sorry for that. But I would upload some photos of my updates in my Facebook, so you can go there and take a look if you’re interested.  

In this entry I’m just going to share a slice of life thought. At first, it was really difficult for me to adapt with the situation in university. Mainly because of the course I’m pursuing right now. And it still does give me difficulties until today. I don’t know how many time I’ve already tell you this, but Management is really tough for me. There were times when I thought of changing courses and there were times when I felt like quitting. I thought it was a big mistake of pursuing Management when I’m only good in Sastera. But life made me think things through and Allah helped me in so many ways. He made the impossible becomes possible. I can’t say how much I’m grateful for His blessings.

So many unbelievable things happened to me in a year. Most of them were because I joined MPD (Majlis Penghuni Desasiswa). I was assigned with insane tasks which I’ve never done before. I complained to my mum and she said something that goes like this, “In order to achieve something, sacrifices must be made.” I felt relieved when she said that. From now, I will just view things from a positive side.

I do think my life is going well. I made new good friends, I learn new things and I get new experiences. I just need to focus a little bit more to my studies. 

I think everything depends on your positivity. Some people complained a lot in their life. I, myself also complained a lot. We were too blinded with those hardships and obstacles happening around in our life. Try to put those things aside and see what’s beyond. Try to realize the good things happening in your life. 

The people that loves you and will always be with you. Your parents that will cover you with a blanket when you’re asleep. The luckiest moments in your life. The feeling of being appreciated by others. The smile you shared with others. The rain drops that brings the breeze through your window. The sunny weather and when you don’t have to bring an umbrella outside. The feeling of eating a good ice-cream. The feeling when you’re watching your favourite shows. Everything. Every moment in your life is actually a good thing. It depends on how wide your eyes are open to see that.

Making things short, I just want to say that I’m feeling loved and blessed.  Alhamdulillah. I hope others too are aware of how lucky you are to be able to live right now. Just put the negative things aside and see from the bright side. InsyaAllah, all is well.

Love, Nurina Izzati.